Museum fun

The older children have had a very busy week! Lots of love was in the air for Valentines Day and we all made cards for our mummies and daddies. We also received a special card from our sponsored donkey Eeyore. We sent some lovely messages back to him at the donkey sanctuary.
The pre-school children also had a trip to the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. The journey on the train is an adventure in itself! Some of our favourite things were – the animals, the T-Rex, the space section, castle and costumes and the science section with the hot air balloons. It is truly incredible how much the children see and ask questions about to extend their own learning! As an accompanying adult it lets you see the world all over again through a fresh pair of eyes. How fortunate we are!

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The children in the Tweenie room have been very busy week this week. Thank you to all the mummies who have came to play and to Corinne the gardener for