
We have had another busy week at nursery this week. On Tuesday Santa dropped into Teddy Bear House to leave some presents for our younger children. Santa then delivered some presents to the Tweenie children at their party. On Wednesday some of the children from LowPort Primary School came to read Christmas stories that they had written to our older children, it was lovely to see some familiar faces of children who had previously attended the nursery. We finished yesterday with our older children performing a Nativity play for their parents and grandparents. The staff would like to thank all parents and children who have handed in presents your kindness is appreciated
We would like to remind everyone that the nursery will be closed on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th December and Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd January.

We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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We would like to thank everyone who took part in our Easter bonnet and Easter egg competition at Teddy Bear House and in the Tweenie Room. We have a winner