
Some of the Tweenie children have been sharing experiences from home about carving pumpkins. We decided to visit Tesco and buy some pumpkins for the room. The children explored the pumpkins in the water tray, scooping them out and looking at the seeds, we spoke about the colours and texture. We practiced a new pumpkins song and made some orange pumpkin playdough. We looked at different vegetables that grow in the farmers field. We plan to do some vegetable tasting later in the week.

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Tulip TeaTulip Tea

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who attended our Tulip tea last Friday. Thankfully the weather was very kind to us and everyone had fun searching for clues


This week the Tweenie children have been participating in STEM experiences. We have carried out a variety of science experiments to explore cause and effect. We also investigated and tinkered